The Surrender Experiment

Jon Hegarty
2 min readSep 17, 2021

After months of meditation and introspection, I have decided to live the rest of my life based on Michael Singer’s “The Surrender Experiment.” In it, Singer speaks of his spiritual journey & his subsequent continued growth via his reemergence into society, ultimately becoming the founder CEO of a multimillion dollar software business. His secret? To just surrender. Many times along his journey, he noticed the voice inside his head resist the matter at hand — usually a new challenge, task or obligation that would serve someone else or that someone was asking of him. Over time, he trained himself to ignore that voice of resistance. Amazingly, this nearly always led to personal growth, achievement, and contentment.

What are you surrendering to?

I’m ready to dive in. Right now, my brother is facing a near-terminal cancer diagnosis and my career is a bit in shambles. Deep down, I know that everything will work out — not just OK but amazingly. Here’s what I plan to “just surrender” to:

  • Eat a strict ketogenic diet (with/for my brother)
  • Meditate for 2 hours per day
  • Practice gratitude every day
  • Workout 5x per week
  • No PMO
  • No overstimulation of any kind (sugar, phone, Netflix, reading, etc)
  • Wakeup at 5am
  • Journal 3x per week, including updates to this blog every so often
  • Live a life of surrender in my career at any key junction or decision point

It seems that usually what we really want lies on the other side of something that feels difficult — a diet, a tough conversation in a relationship, solving a complex problem. I will surrender to life’s difficulties.

Let’s see how this one goes!


